Smart and Healthy Businesses Start Here

Helping Your Organization Become Smarter and Healthier

Our Services Approach

Power Center Consulting’s Mission is to help you build a Smart and Healthy organization and prepare your team so that everyone is successful in the long run.

We do things differently by integrating and balancing the three components of Smart and Healthy organizations. We help you build an internal framework based on the three elements so you can spend more time serving the needs of your customers,  business,  employees, and  community around you.  

You won't see us come in and say, “do this and do that and everything will be great.”  (You’ve probably seen what happens in those situations: the day after the coach leaves, everyone goes back to their old routines.)  We listen first and build a program that takes into account your company's industry, culture, and style.

Cultural changes are not completed in a day and we work with you to do check-ups, refreshers, and chart progress to make sure your success is long term.


Our Services

Strategic Consulting

Power Center Assessment

  • Evaluate Mission, Business Plan, and Organization for strengths and gaps

Facilitate Strategic Planning:

  • Mission/Vision  
  • Organization
  • Business/Marketing 
  • Company processes

Leadership Team Coaching

Communication and meeting planning

Executive Level Surge Capacity

  • Executive project oversight
  • Decision-making assistance
  • Interim support for executive absences

Tactical Business Support

"Projectize" your business

Define milestones and levels of effort

Define key performance metrics and leading indicators

Monitor project and make mid-course corrections

Business Development Support

Proposal Support

Proposal Support

Technical Volume Writing/Lead

Management Volume Writer

Speaker Services

Building organizational capacity and cutting organizational debt

Effective communication channels in the workplace

Contact us to discuss what we can do for you.